
Best Venues of the US Southwest: Hometowns of Consequence Finalists

Insights from the staffs at OK's Cain's Ballroom, AZ's The Van Buren, and TX's Mohawk and White Oak Music Hall

Southwest Hometowns of Consequence Regional Finalists Headers
Hometowns of Consequence Regional Finalists: Southwest

    After tallying up the nominations for the over 1,300 local music venues submitted for our Hometowns of Consequence campaign, we have our finalists. So far this week, we’ve highlighted the four finalists in each of the Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, and West regions, and now it’s time to shine a light on the Southwest nominees: Oklahoma’s Cain’s Ballroom, Texas’ Mohawk and White Oak Music Hall, and Arizona’s The Van Buren.

    Different staff members from each of these venues answered a Consequence curated Q&A to give fans insights into the histories, memories, and stories of these beloved institutions. Not only were we looking to get voters more familiar with the venues themselves, but to celebrate the very people who keep these places running and make our nights of music bliss possible.

    Voting for Hometowns of Consequence will officially end on October 21st, so make sure to read up on all our nominees and get your votes in using the widget below. Winners will be announced in the next few weeks. Remember to share the unique referral code given at the end of voting and use #HometownsOfConsequence for a chance to win discounts at the Consequence Shop and free tickets to your favorite venue, and check your email to validate your vote.

